I’m Official!!

Today I passed my CRNA boards!! It’s such an amazing feeling to finally be done with studying, busy to-dos, and clinical! I finally put away the books for the first time in 3 years. I will be sharing my study tips with the next few weeks. But right now, im binging a couple shows and just relaxing…

Thinking About CRNA School? Here are some tips to get ready..

Here’s how to get into CRNA school:


Since the closure of most study spots such as Starbucks, the library, your local coffee shops, and the school campus, we have been forced to study in our homes.

How I Celebrated My Birthday During COVID-19

Starting Out My Day

My birthday started out beautifully. Waking up, I started with my usual

Need A Little Motivation?

It has been pretty challenging to stay motivated during this time away from clinical and lecture. During the times I find it hard to find the motivation to open my textbook and study essential concepts, I look to this video. It usually gives me that extra willpower to keep at it and get back to work!&nbsp…

Celebrating Your Birthday During COVID-19

Happy Birthday!! If you have a birthday in April or May, then you are most likely trying to come up with ideas to celebrate your special day. COVID-19 has put a damper on many of our birthday plans. For my birthday this year, I had a family trip to Aruba planned out. I was looking forward to having some much-needed relaxation between semesters. We’d been planning the…

Favorite Podcasts in CRNA School

On those long clinical drives, I try to be productive with my time. I do this by listening to podcasts. Check out some my favorite podcasts for us Nurse Anesthesia students!