
Over the course of my journey, I will be sharing relevant topics pertaining to CRNA school. CRNA is a long journey and there is a ton to share. Keep following.. this blog  gets more interesting as my journey continues.

Favorite Podcasts in CRNA School

On those long clinical drives, I try to be productive with my time. I do this by listening to podcasts. Check out some my favorite podcasts for us Nurse Anesthesia students!

COVID-19 Impacts..

Coronovirus has impacted the lives of many this year. I shared with you how this pandemic has impacted CRNA school, but in this post, I want to take the time to focus on high school and college graduates. The high school graduates during COVID-19 are suffering tremendously. I recall chatting with my little sister a few months ago about her prom dress. She was so excited as she shared…